I'm Alex and I'm the creator of this new blog. With this blog, I want all of you
who are interested in learning English to learn it by posting different kind of media sources, like
Also, I want all of you to participate in the blog, so if you ever want to publish an entry because you think there is something interesting that you want to share, you can send me an email to alexswarthy@gmail.com with the information, the link to the video, if there is any one, or pictures, etc... and I'll post it as soon as I can.
I will also post some scripts from movies, or TV shows, as well as lyrics from songs, and fragments from books.
As an interesting topic, we will be talking a lot about the different kinds of English, and we'll focus on accents, pronunciation and phonetics.
So here we start this new blog! And the first video I'm going to post is from the fantastic actress and singer Amy Walker doing 21 accents of the English language. So here it is, post one:
See you soon!
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